Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Where's the love?

Let me avert my eyes for a few precious moments from the horror show that is our public discourse.
Why can't we simply label the swamp of all swamps to be too toxic to enter at this juncture and simply turn away.

I'm glad to see someone has finally pricked the balloon that was not a bubble, according to my sources.

I am 5 weeks into the "in between". Somewhere in between the chronic downer that was the last few years and the fear and excitement of what may come next. Mainly I am tired. I wonder how long it takes for the mind to heal after years of overdrive? probably more than 5 weeks, I'm finding.

the crazy upswing and the recent downdraft left me feeling, um, not much at all. I'm glad to see prices moderate a bit. No new money to invest, so the DRIPS are the whole show at the moment.

I checked last year's overall results;  My valuation is up 15%, not nearly in sync with the market valuation, and I'm happy with that. More exciting is a 13% increase in cash payments in my IRAs. I haven't done the comparison on the 401k. I think what matters more is performance during a bear market. I don't have to rely so very much in capital gains; I will continue to focus on the rate of increased dividend payments as a means to project my date of emancipation from daily labor for wages.

no inspiration other than to say, I'm sitting on my hands once more...
time for bed...